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Subject: [2008.02] Restoring the relationship between South korea and U.S. for solving the D.P.R.K Nuclear.

Date: 2008-03-05 10:41
Hit: 10630
This is translated by Ji-ye Kim ; the Reporter from KOREA DEFENSE REVIEW
The original artical is "ºÏÇÙ¹®Á¦ ÇØ°á°ú Çѹ̵¿¸Í º¹¿øÀ» À§ÇÑ ½Ö²øÀÌ ÀÛÀü" written by Gye-Hyang Park, KDR editor

Title : Restoring the relationship between South korea and U.S. for solving the D.P.R.K Nuclear  

New president Lee Myung Bak proclamed "practical security". Lee government is going to enact actual measures to restore the relationship between South korea and U.S. Lee is also going to try to re-establish the alliance with U.S unlike last two governments which was stubborn to keep "sunshine policy" for 10 years. This is about how to be adjusted to each other in new political environment between two countries.

Oct. 3, 2007, the second phase reached an accord, which was needed to carry 9.19 Joint Agreement out. It included two facts that North Korea would make their Young-buyn nuclear facility incapable and submit a declaration listing all of its nuclear facilities, programs and any proliferation until Dec. 31, 2007. However, there was an prediction that North Korea would not practice these actions. This prediction became truth.

Hyun Hak Bong, deputy director of the North Korean Foreign Ministry's American affairs bureau, declared they could not meet the date inevitably because of energy supplies which was delayed. Everyone knew this is one of strategy to receive energy supplies more sooner quickly. Moreover North Korea did not feel shame at their behavior.

North Korea's calling off was already predicted. Christoper Hill, the U.S. assistant secretary of state for East Asian and Pacific affairs, said in the Six Party talks hearing held under the Subcommittee on Asia and the Pacific of United States House of Representatives and the Terrorism Subcommittee: "At the Six Party talks, there was an agreement that the range of objects of disabling would be extended to 'all of actual nuclear facilities'. Because of this fact, North Korea could not implement the tasks until Dec. 31, 2007" There was already an forecast that North Korea would miss the deadline.

Facing 2008 the presidential election, both the Republic Party and the Democraric Party are cooperating to make policy for economic supply to North Korea. It is the first cooperation between two parties since Bush's first term. They are making effort to raise funds for North Korea to disable Youngbyun nuclear facilities.

Dec. 12, 2007, it was confirmed suddenly in the Senate Foreign Relations Committee that a funds of one hundred 6 million dollars would be given North Korea for proceeding talks about nuclear. It was alleged that Christopher Hill, assistant secretary, had reported the closed briefing at the commitee before this confirmation. The U.S. congress has been making influencial decisions in international society about not only North Korea nuclear problem but also abolition of nuclear on all around the world. U.S has appropriated 139.7 million dollars for  of International Security Program for all around world and 5 million dollars for denuclearization. 5 million dollars was believed that it is for especially abolition of North Korea's nuclear.

The problem is that North Korea is accomplishing their want. It claimed that disabling of nuclear was delayed because economic aid was delayed. Not only the request for economic aid North Korea is also achieving its demands which was given to U.S. since 2.13 agreement and 9.19 joint statement. It's unclear which one  is true:  either U.S is intentionally showing these actions or it is being deceived by North Korea.

Last year June 21th, Hill, the assistant secretary, arrived at Pyung-yang airport and was met by Lee Gun, the head of the North American Affairs Bureau of North Korea¡¯s Foreign Ministry. After his visit, unlike negative evaluations of the press  which were published in U.S., ChosunShinbo reported that it was encouraging that Hill used the word "comprehensive" repeatedly. ChosunShinbo is a newspaper published by Jochongnyeon, the pro-North Korean residents¢¥ league in Japan. It also reported that it was thought that 'complete carrying out of 9.19 joint statement¡® meant the progress in not only about North Korea's nuclear problem but also relation between North Korea and U.S.. Moreover ChosunShinbo said that security of Korean Peninsula was accompanied by these actions. In other words, North Korea was welcoming U.S.'s 'comprehensive' policies and the situation that U.S. was following North Korea's want.

The North Korean Foreign Ministry spokesman said about Hill's visit "we've talked seriously about actual measures between North Korea and U.S., which would be acted in future phases", and he mentioned that "we are going to have more contacts and discussions". It is considerable thing that direct talk between two countries were refused in Bush's first term. However U.S. is now suggesting mutual talk to North Korea. U.S. is also showing its feeling that it would be good if U.S. talk with the North Korean military.

North Korea and U.S. discussed not only about returning the frozen illegitimate funds at Macao Bank, but also about releasing frozen funds at Berlin. The two countries talked about financial cooperation. Giving these situations, There has been certain change in North Korea policies of United States. U.S. did not blame North Korea for missing the Dec. 31, 2007, deadline. Instead of blaming, U.S supported the New York Philharmonic to play in North Korea in upcoming February.

A high-ranking officer in U.S administration was quoted by Wall Street journal as saying that the North Korean military dominated most of the nuclear facilities and it was not certain that the military would follow Kim Jung-il's order if Kim ordered the military to give up the nuclear weapons. The officer explained about the intention of Bush administration that Bush contacted directly with the North Korean military because of these above two informations. Bush is seemed to perceive the possibility of a friction between Kim and the military.

However, U.S should consider the changes in South Korea which have generated as new president Lee Myung Bak proclamed "practical security". Lee government is going to enact actual measures to restore the relationship between South korea and U.S.. Lee is also going to try to re-establish the alliance with U.S unlike last two governments which was stubborn to keep "sunshine policy" for 10 years. Lee will not ignore the human right problem in North Korea any more and will face with a lot of problem about North Korea: drugs, a counterfeit note. He is also considering to talk about PSI(Proliferation Security Initiative) positively. It is required now that the two countries-U.S and South Korea- need to be adjusted to each other in new political environment.

Powerful countries around Korean Peninsula have been interfering in affair of Korean Peninsula, making good use of the nuclear issues in North Korea. They have been trying to influence on Korean Peninsula in case North Korea collapses. They've mentioned "intervention" and "non-intervention" so that they could influence on this area.

Although South Korea has the constitution which says that 'The territory of the Republic of Korea shall consist of the Korean peninsula and its adjacent islands', it is not able to assure the future situation because external or internal conditions of North Korea are changeable. It absolutely depends on "power game" in international politics.

There was an insistence that South Korea had to get more power in East Asia as an balance. But truth was that South Korea was excluded when Three Party talks was suggested between U.S, China and Japan. Moreover Abe Shinzo, the prime minister of Japan, suggested Four Party talks which included one more country, Australia. It was not acceptable for South Korea.

South Korea should be not a 'balance' but an 'hub nation'. South Korea could be thought as an important country when it become a 'bridge' which links other nations and organizations.

Bruce Cummings, the professor at Chicago University, said that U.S would know it needed North Korea to restrain China. Like this prediction, U.S is seem to prepare being the political partner of North Korea. It could be a device for restraining China which are threatening U.S's unipolar system. The military competition between U.S and China also can be the device. South Korea must think about U.S's strategy.

We should not overlook U.S's intention which is discovered as U.S transformed 2nd Infantry Division into 'circulating military¡®. U.S. could enough bring considerable change into Korean Peninsula politically and strategically.

U.S. and South Korea should have a same attitude about at least North Korea nuclear issue. For last 10 years, the two countries have showed different philosophy towards North Korea. Now, reasonable and cooperative dicision making is needed to achieve same purpose. Moreover, Lee government should do more positive activities to keep U.S from doing political experiment which is targeted to Korean Peninsula. The progress in relation between U.S and South Korea is critical prerequisite to Korean Peninsula. Diplomatic professionals in new government is now being asked to catch two rabbits: resolving North Korea nuclear issue and restoration the alliance with U.S.

¹ß¹® ( abstract )

Facing 2008 the presidential election, both the Republic Party and the Democraric Party are cooperating to make policy for economic supply to North Korea. It is the first cooperation between two parties since Bush's first term. They are making effort to raise funds for North Korea to disable Youngbyun nuclear facilities.

The officer explained about the intention of Bush administration that Bush contacted directly with the North Korean military because of these above two informations. Bush is seemed to perceive the possibility of a friction between Kim and the military.

The progress in relation between U.S and South Korea is critical prerequisite to Korean Peninsula. Diplomatic professionals in new government is now being asked to catch two rabbits: resolving North Korea nuclear issue and restoration the alliance with U.S.

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